Cat-activ - Vitakraft

Barcode: 4008239242570 (EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Brands: Vitakraft

Categories: Pet food, Cat food

Countries where sold: France


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
lonalo per la CS) Cat-activ@ enheder). vitalità dol Dalla natura un hôgvârdig specialjâst. Naturiigt rikt (icco di vitamina per gatti sempre B-vitamin - fôr en verkligt vital katt. utfod. Vitali. Consigli per liuso: offrire 4 ringsrekommendation: Dagligen 4 cat - ()atüictivm» al giorno (1-2 per gli animali activ@) (ungkatter 1-2). giovani). @ Cat-activ@ - herkullinen Vital-Snack Cat-activ@ - lekkere Vital-Snack met - vâlipala, joka sisâltââ laadukasta erikois - hoogwaardigo speciale gist. Van nature rijk hiivaa. Sisâltââ luonnostaan paljon B - aan vitamine B - voor een algeheel vitale vita-miinia - tâysin elinvoimaisen kissan kat. Voedingsadvies: Dagelijks 4 Cat - puolesta. Ruokintasuositus: Anna pài - vittâin neljâ Cat-activ@-vâlipalaa (kissan - pennuille 1-2). Inhaltsstoffe / Constituants analytiques / Guaranteed analysis I Componenti analitici I Analyse Anélisis / Constituintes analiticos / Indholdsanalyse I Innehàllsanalys I Koostumus: 6,0 % Feuchtigkeit / humidité / moisture / umidità / vochthumedad / humidade / vand vatten / kosteus 25,0 % Protein / protéine / proteina /eiwit / proteina / proteina bruta/ proteiini 4,5 % Fettgehalt / teneur en matières grasses / fat content/ oli e grassi grezzi / vetgehalte contenido de jasa / gordura bruta / fedtindhold / fettinnehàll / rasva 1,5 % Rohfaser/ fibres alimentaires brutes / fibre / fibra grezza/ ruwe vezel / fibra brutal ràfibrer / raakakuitu 8,0 % Rohasche / cendres brutes / ash / ceneri grezze / ruwe as / ceniza brutal Cinza bruta ràaske / râaska / raakatuhka Art.-Nr. 24257 aDEHB100003

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Nutrition facts

NutriScore color nutrition grade

NutriScore nutrition grade C

Warning: the amount of fruits, vegetables and nuts is not specified, their possible positive contribution to the grade could not be taken into account.

Nutrient levels for 100 g

moderate quantity4.5 g Fat in moderate quantity
moderate quantity3 g Saturated fat in moderate quantity
low quantity1 g Sugars in low quantity
high quantity2 g Salt in high quantity

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(1152 products)
(1718 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
Cat foodPet food
Energy (kJ) ?638 kj?
Energy (kcal) ?105 kcal47 kcal
Energy 126 kj
(30 kcal)
Fat 4.5 g-53%-49%
- Saturated fat 3 g+62%+50%
Carbohydrates 8 g+109%+66%
- Sugars 1 g+0%+7%
Fibers 1.5 g-7%-56%
Proteins 25 g+26%+30%
Salt 2 g+178%+160%
Sodium 0.787 g+178%+160%
Nutrition score - France 4 +75%+103%
Nutri-Score CCC

Product added on by kiliweb.
Last edit of product page on by psine.
Product page also edited by openfoodfacts-contributors, teolemon.

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