Adult Sterilized Cat | Grain Free - Wolfood - 10 kg

Barcode: 3701245500016 (EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Common name: Croquettes pour chats adultes stérilisés

Quantity: 10 kg

Packaging: Plastique

Brands: Wolfood

Categories: Dog-and-cat-food, Cat food

Labels, certifications, awards: No artificial flavors, No colorings, No preservatives

Origin of ingredients: CEE

Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:

Countries where sold: France


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Volaille déshydratée 45 % (poulet 36 %, dinde 5.7 %, canard 3.4 %), patate douce 11 %, fécule de pomme de terre, poisson hydrolysé 5.9 %, petit pois, pomme de terre déshydratée, cellulose, gousses de caroubes séchées, huile de poisson 2.5 % (saumon et sardine), foie de volaille hydrolysé, levure, œuf entier déshydraté 1.4 %, pulpe de betterave séchée, graisse de volaille, canneberges séchées 0.7 %, krill 0.6 % (zooplancton marin déshydraté), luzerne séchée, inuline de chicorée (source de FOS), mélange de plantes déshydratées 0.33 % (persil, romarin, ortie, camomille, sauge, thym, coriandre, dent-de-lion, réglisse), psyllium, extrait de mollusques et crustacés (source de glucosamine) 1000 mg/kg, sulfate de chondroïtine 1000 mg/kg, extrait de yucca des Mohave. Additifs nutritionnels : Vitamine A : 20000 UI/kg, Vitamine D3 : 2000 UI/kg, Vitamine E : 300 mg/kg, Fer (sulfate ferreux, monohydraté) 120 mg/kg, Manganèse (oxyde manganeux) 48 mg/kg, Cuivre (sulfate cuivrique, pentahydraté) 6 mg/kg, Zinc (sulfate de zinc, monohydraté) 180 mg/kg, Iode (iodate de calcium, anhydre) 1.2 mg/kg, Sélénium (sélénite de sodium) 0.24 mg/kg, Taurine 900 mg/kg, DL-méthionine 6000 mg/kg, L-carnitine 400 mg/kg. Additifs technologiques : Lécithine 1800 mg/kg, chlorure d’ammonium 1500 mg/kg, anti-oxygène : extraits de tocophérols tirés d’huiles végétales (1b306(i)).

Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances: Crustaceans, Fish

Ingredients analysis:
en:non-vegan en:non-vegetarian
→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

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1 - Unprocessed or minimally processed foods
1 - Unprocessed or minimally processed foods

Nutrition facts

Nutrient levels for 100 g

moderate quantity12 g Fat in moderate quantity
moderate quantity1.33 g Salt in moderate quantity

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(564 products)
(1152 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
Dog-and-cat-foodCat food
Energy (kJ) ?641 kj638 kj
Energy (kcal) 363 kcal+250%+245%
Energy 1,520 kj
(363 kcal)
Fat 12 g+39%+26%
- Omega 3 fatty acids 0.6 g??
- Omega 6 fatty acids 1.5 g??
Carbohydrates ?2.01 g3.83 g
Proteins 42 g+135%+111%
Salt 1.325 g+77%+84%
Sodium 0.53 g+77%+84%
Vitamin A 600 µg??
Vitamin E 30 mg?-5%
Calcium 1,150 mg?+119%
Phosphorus 1,000 mg?+182%
Iron 12 mg??
Magnesium 90 mg??
Zinc 18 mg+121%+33%
Copper 0.6 mg?-82%
Manganese 4.8 mg?-70%
Selenium 24 µg??
Iodine 120 µg+2%-97%
Taurine 0.09 g?-60%
Vitamin D3 200 IU??
DL-methionine 600 mg??
L-carnitine 40 mg??
Crude cellulose 5.3 g??

Product added on by pinage404.
Last edit of product page on by identical5201.
Product page also edited by openfoodfacts-contributors, teolemon.

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