Specific Senior - 7,5 kg

Barcode: 5701170311228 (EAN / EAN-13)

Product characteristics

Common name: Croquettes pour chat

Quantity: 7,5 kg

Packaging: Plastique

Brands: Specific

Categories: Pet food, Cat food, Dry cat food, Dry pet food

Labels, certifications, awards: No colorings, No artificial flavors

Manufacturing or processing places: Union Européenne

Countries where sold: France


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Céréales, extraits de protéines végétales, huiles et graisses, sous-produits d'origine végétale, poissons et sous-produits de poissons, oeufs et produits d'oeufs, substances minérales, viandes et sous-produits animaux.

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Nutrition facts

Serving size: 1 kg

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(237 products)
(327 products)
(1148 products)
(1714 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts As sold
per serving (1 kg)
Dry cat foodDry pet foodCat foodPet food
Energy (kJ) ???638 kj?
Energy (kcal) ?236 kcal154 kcal103 kcal44 kcal
Fat 17.3 g13.6 g13.2 g9.49 g8.91 g
- Omega 3 fatty acids 0.47 g????
Carbohydrates ?3.25 g5.15 g3.83 g4.82 g
Fibers 4 g1.67 g3.12 g1.62 g3.43 g
Proteins 26.3 g28.1 g26.6 g19.9 g19.2 g
Salt 0.762 g0.513 g0.594 g0.72 g0.768 g
Sodium 0.3 g
Calcium 530 mg??524 mg1,020 mg
Phosphorus 440 mg??355 mg423 mg
Taurine 0.243 g??0.225 g0.19 g
L-carnitine 0.01 g????

Product added on by jeanbono.
Last edit of product page on by stephane.
Product page also edited by bleakpatch, tacite.

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