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Perruches - Carrefour - 1 kg

Perruches - Carrefour - 1 kg

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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Carrefour.

3608141636194(EAN / EAN-13)

Common name: Aliment complet pour perruches.

Quantity: 1 kg

Brands: Carrefour

Categories: Non-food-products, Open-pet-food-facts, Pet-food

Producer: Fabriqué par α BE 2113 pour EMB 59599 pour Interdis

Traceability code: EMB 59599 - Tourcoing (Nord, France)

Stores: Carrefour

Countries where sold: France, Italy, Spain

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    Nutrition facts

    Analytical constituents As sold
    for 1 kg
    Compared to: Open-pet-food-facts
    Crude fat ?
    Crude protein ?
    Crude ash ?
    Crude fibre ?
    Moisture ?


  • icon

    49 ingredients

    French: Composition : Céréales (dont millets 56%), graines (dont cardy 4%), extraits de protéines végétales, substances minérales, sous-produits d'origine végétale, huiles et graisses, sucres, fruits. Constituants analytiques : Protéine brute : 12,5%, Matières grasses brutes : 6%, Cendres brutes : 5,5%, Cellulose brute : 7%, Humidité : 12% Additifs : Conservateurs, Antioxygènes. _Additifs technologiques (/kg_) : sépiolite 110,5 mg - bentonite 1400 mg. _Additifs nutritionnels (/kg_) : Vitamine A : 7700 U.I., Vitamine D3 : 1400 U.I., Vitamine E : 17 mg, Fer ; 16,8 mg (Sulfate de fer (II) monohydraté : 51.1 mg), Iode : 1.2 mg (Iodate de calcium anhydre : 1.8 mg), Cuivre : 5,6 mg (Sulfate de cuivre (II) pentahydraté : 22 mg), Manganèse : 42 mg (Oxyde de manganèse (II) : 54.2 mg), Zinc : 39,2 mg (Oxyde de zinc : 48.8 mg)
    Allergens: fr:additifs, fr:composition, fr:constituants-analytiques
    • Ingredient information

      • composition: 50.0% (estimate)

      • — Cereal: 50.0% (estimate)

      • —— Millet: 56.0%

      • Seed: 25.0% (estimate)

      • — dont-cardy: 4.0%

      • Plant protein: 12.5% (estimate)

      • substances-minerales: 6.2% (estimate)

      • sous-produits: 3.1% (estimate)

      • Oil and fat: < 2% (estimate)

      • Sugar: < 2% (estimate)

      • Fruit: < 2% (estimate)

      • constituants-analytiques: 12.5%

      • — Protein: < 2% (estimate)

      • matieres-grasses-brutes: 6.0%

      • cendres-brutes: 5.5%

      • cellulose-brute: 7.0%

      • humidite: < 2% (estimate)

      • — additifs: 12.0%

      • Preservative: < 2% (estimate)

      • Antioxidant: < 2% (estimate)

      • additifs-technologiques: < 2% (estimate)

      • — kg: < 2% (estimate)

      • — sepiolite-110-5-mg: < 2% (estimate)

      • E558: < 2% (estimate)

      • additifs-nutritionnels: < 2% (estimate)

      • — kg: < 2% (estimate)

      • — Vitamin A: < 2% (estimate)

      • 7700-u-i: < 2% (estimate)

      • Cholecalciferol: < 2% (estimate)

      • — 1400-u-i: < 2% (estimate)

      • Vitamin E: < 2% (estimate)

      • Iron: < 2% (estimate)

      • 16-8-mg: < 2% (estimate)

      • — Ferrous sulfate: < 2% (estimate)

      • —— ii: < 2% (estimate)

      • — monohydrate: < 2% (estimate)

      • Iodine: < 2% (estimate)

      • — iodate-de-calcium-anhydre: < 2% (estimate)

      • Copper: < 2% (estimate)

      • — 5-6-mg: < 2% (estimate)

      • — E519: < 2% (estimate)

      • —— ii: < 2% (estimate)

      • — pentahydrate: < 2% (estimate)

      • Manganese: < 2% (estimate)

      • — oxyde-de-manganese: < 2% (estimate)

      • —— ii: < 2% (estimate)

      • Zinc: < 2% (estimate)

      • — 39-2-mg: < 2% (estimate)

      • — Zinc oxide: < 2% (estimate)


  • E460 - Cellulose

    Cellulose: Cellulose is an organic compound with the formula -C6H10O5-n, a polysaccharide consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of β-1→4- linked D-glucose units. Cellulose is an important structural component of the primary cell wall of green plants, many forms of algae and the oomycetes. Some species of bacteria secrete it to form biofilms. Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer on Earth. The cellulose content of cotton fiber is 90%, that of wood is 40–50%, and that of dried hemp is approximately 57%.Cellulose is mainly used to produce paperboard and paper. Smaller quantities are converted into a wide variety of derivative products such as cellophane and rayon. Conversion of cellulose from energy crops into biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol is under development as a renewable fuel source. Cellulose for industrial use is mainly obtained from wood pulp and cotton.Some animals, particularly ruminants and termites, can digest cellulose with the help of symbiotic micro-organisms that live in their guts, such as Trichonympha. In human nutrition, cellulose is a non-digestible constituent of insoluble dietary fiber, acting as a hydrophilic bulking agent for feces and potentially aiding in defecation.
    Source: Wikipedia
  • E558 - Bentonite

    Bentonite: Bentonite -/ˈbɛntənʌɪt/- is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate clay consisting mostly of montmorillonite. It was named by Wilbur C. Knight in 1898 after the Cretaceous Benton Shale near Rock River, Wyoming.The different types of bentonite are each named after the respective dominant element, such as potassium -K-, sodium -Na-, calcium -Ca-, and aluminium -Al-. Experts debate a number of nomenclatorial problems with the classification of bentonite clays. Bentonite usually forms from weathering of volcanic ash, most often in the presence of water. However, the term bentonite, as well as a similar clay called tonstein, has been used to describe clay beds of uncertain origin. For industrial purposes, two main classes of bentonite exist: sodium and calcium bentonite. In stratigraphy and tephrochronology, completely devitrified -weathered volcanic glass- ash-fall beds are commonly referred to as K-bentonites when the dominant clay species is illite. In addition to montmorillonite and illite another common clay species that is sometimes dominant is kaolinite. Kaolinite-dominated clays are commonly referred to as tonsteins and are typically associated with coal.
    Source: Wikipedia

Ingredients analysis

  • icon

    Vegan status unknown

    Unrecognized ingredients: fr:composition, fr:dont-cardy, fr:substances-minerales, fr:constituants-analytiques, fr:matieres-grasses-brutes, fr:cendres-brutes, fr:cellulose-brute, fr:humidite, fr:additifs, fr:additifs-technologiques, fr:kg, fr:sepiolite-110-5-mg, fr:additifs-nutritionnels, fr:kg, fr:7700-u-i, fr:1400-u-i, Vitamin E, Iron, fr:16-8-mg, Ferrous sulfate, fr:ii, fr:monohydrate, Iodine, fr:iodate-de-calcium-anhydre, Copper, fr:5-6-mg, fr:ii, fr:pentahydrate, Manganese, fr:oxyde-de-manganese, fr:ii, Zinc, fr:39-2-mg, Zinc oxide

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

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    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
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    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

  • icon

    Vegetarian status unknown

    Unrecognized ingredients: fr:composition, fr:dont-cardy, fr:substances-minerales, fr:constituants-analytiques, fr:matieres-grasses-brutes, fr:cendres-brutes, fr:cellulose-brute, fr:humidite, fr:additifs, fr:additifs-technologiques, fr:kg, fr:sepiolite-110-5-mg, fr:additifs-nutritionnels, fr:kg, fr:7700-u-i, fr:1400-u-i, Vitamin E, Iron, fr:16-8-mg, Ferrous sulfate, fr:ii, fr:monohydrate, Iodine, fr:iodate-de-calcium-anhydre, Copper, fr:5-6-mg, fr:ii, fr:pentahydrate, Manganese, fr:oxyde-de-manganese, fr:ii, Zinc, fr:39-2-mg, Zinc oxide

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

    We need your help!

    You can help us recognize more ingredients and better analyze the list of ingredients for this product and others:

    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
    • Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels.

    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.
  • icon

    Details of the analysis of the ingredients

    We need your help!

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

    We need your help!

    You can help us recognize more ingredients and better analyze the list of ingredients for this product and others:

    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
    • Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels.

    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

    fr: _Composition_ (Céréales (dont millets 56%)), graines (dont cardy 4%), protéines végétales, substances minérales, sous-produits, huiles et graisses, sucres, fruits, _Constituants analytiques_ 12.5% (Protéine brute), Matières grasses brutes 6%, Cendres brutes 5.5%, Cellulose brute 7%, Humidité (_Additifs_ 12%), Conservateurs, Antioxygènes, _Additifs technologiques (kg_, sépiolite 110‚5 mg), bentonite, _Additifs nutritionnels (kg_, Vitamine A), 7700 U.I, Vitamine D3 (1400 U.I), Vitamine E, Fer, 16‚8 mg (Sulfate de fer (II), monohydraté), Iode (Iodate de calcium anhydre), Cuivre (5‚6 mg, Sulfate de cuivre (II), pentahydraté), Manganèse (Oxyde de manganèse (II)), Zinc (39‚2 mg, Oxyde de zinc)
    1. _Composition_ -> fr:composition
      1. Céréales -> en:cereal - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
        1. dont millets -> en:millet - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 9330 - percent: 56
    2. graines -> en:seed - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
      1. dont cardy -> fr:dont-cardy - percent: 4
    3. protéines végétales -> en:plant-protein - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
    4. substances minérales -> fr:substances-minerales
    5. sous-produits -> fr:sous-produits - vegan: en:yes - vegetarian: en:yes
    6. huiles et graisses -> en:oil-and-fat - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - from_palm_oil: maybe
    7. sucres -> en:sugar - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016
    8. fruits -> en:fruit - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
    9. _Constituants analytiques_ -> fr:constituants-analytiques - percent: 12.5
      1. Protéine brute -> en:protein - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe
    10. Matières grasses brutes -> fr:matieres-grasses-brutes - percent: 6
    11. Cendres brutes -> fr:cendres-brutes - percent: 5.5
    12. Cellulose brute -> fr:cellulose-brute - percent: 7
    13. Humidité -> fr:humidite
      1. _Additifs_ -> fr:additifs - percent: 12
    14. Conservateurs -> en:preservative
    15. Antioxygènes -> en:antioxidant
    16. _Additifs technologiques -> fr:additifs-technologiques
      1. kg_ -> fr:kg
      2. sépiolite 110‚5 mg -> fr:sepiolite-110-5-mg
    17. bentonite -> en:e558 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
    18. _Additifs nutritionnels -> fr:additifs-nutritionnels
      1. kg_ -> fr:kg
      2. Vitamine A -> en:vitamin-a - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
    19. 7700 U.I -> fr:7700-u-i
    20. Vitamine D3 -> en:cholecalciferol - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe
      1. 1400 U.I -> fr:1400-u-i
    21. Vitamine E -> en:vitamin-e
    22. Fer -> en:iron
    23. 16‚8 mg -> fr:16-8-mg
      1. Sulfate de fer -> en:ferrous-sulfate
        1. II -> fr:ii
      2. monohydraté -> fr:monohydrate
    24. Iode -> en:iodine
      1. Iodate de calcium anhydre -> fr:iodate-de-calcium-anhydre
    25. Cuivre -> en:copper
      1. 5‚6 mg -> fr:5-6-mg
      2. Sulfate de cuivre -> en:e519 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
        1. II -> fr:ii
      3. pentahydraté -> fr:pentahydrate
    26. Manganèse -> en:manganese
      1. Oxyde de manganèse -> fr:oxyde-de-manganese
        1. II -> fr:ii
    27. Zinc -> en:zinc
      1. 39‚2 mg -> fr:39-2-mg
      2. Oxyde de zinc -> en:zinc-oxide




Other information

Preparation: Pour un mélange optimal du repas et pour conserver tout l'arôme de cette préparation, renversez et agitez le sachet avant chaque utilisation (en maintenant le sachet fermé). Distribuez à volonté et retirer quotidiennement les graines souillées. Mettez de l'eau fraîche à disposition de votre animal et la changez régulièrement.

Conservation conditions: Conditionné sous atmosphère protectrice. À conserver au frais, à l'abri de l'humidité et de la lumière. Bien refermer l'emballage une fois ouvert. À utiliser de préférence avant le / N° de lot : voir la date indiquée sur l'emballage.

Customer service: Interdis - TSA 91431 - 91343 MASSY Cedex - France.

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Data sources

Product added on by org-carrefour
Last edit of product page on by org-carrefour.
Product page also edited by roboto-app, sebleouf, teolemon.

If the data is incomplete or incorrect, you can complete or correct it by editing this page.