Dog food

Category: Dog food


Belongs to:

Pet food


Nutrition facts

Average nutrition facts for the 177 products of the Dog food category for which nutrition facts are known (out of 684 products).

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
Standard deviationMinimum10th centileMedian90th centileMaximum
Energy (kJ) ???????
Energy (kcal) 76 kcal120 kcal0 kcal0 kcal10 kcal351 kcal1,563 kcal
Energy 499 kj
(76 kcal)
611 kj
(120 kcal)
0 kj
(0 kcal)
0 kj
(0 kcal)
105 kj
(10 kcal)
1,570 kj
(351 kcal)
6,540 kj
(1563 kcal)
Fat 8.54 g5.39 g0 g1.4 g8 g18 g30 g
- Saturated fat 1.54 g2.24 g0 g0 g1 g6 g28.6 g
Carbohydrates 2.88 g5.32 g0 g0 g1 g18 g64 g
- Sugars 0.408 g0.865 g0 g0 g0 g1.2 g22 g
Fibers 4.11 g5.67 g0 g0 g2.5 g20 g52 g
Proteins 18 g10.6 g0 g2.16 g19.6 g35 g80 g
Salt 0.537 g0.985 g0 g0 g0 g2.04 g13 g
Sodium 0.213 g0.392 g0 g0 g0 g0.803 g5.12 g
Alcohol 0 % vol0 % vol0 % vol0 % vol0 % vol0 % vol0 % vol
Nutrition score - France 0.553 0.553 0.553 0.553 0.553 0.553 0.553
Nutri-Score BBBBBB

Products from the Dog food category